The Panama Fruit Feeders are located on the grounds of the Canopy Lodge in El Valle de Antón, Panama. The site is in the low mountains of Cerro Gaital, about 2,000 feet above sea level, and has a springtime-like climate year-round.
Canopy Lodge specializes in nature tourism focusing on birds. It hosts several feeders on-site so guests can see birds up close.
The feeding table is equipped with an Axis Q1785-LE camera with an ETS ML1-WPW microphone to capture the sights and sounds of visiting birds. It is re-stocked every couple of hours each day.
What birds visit the Panama Fruit Feeders?
More than 70 species of birds have visited the Panama Fruit Feeders, including Gray-cowled Wood-Rail, Keel-billed Toucan, Bay-headed Tanager, and Yellow-headed Caracara. See the full list of birds here.
What birds are found in Panama?
The diversity of birds in Panama is off the charts. Sources report the country’s species list is anywhere from 950 to more than 1,000 species. These include eight endemic and 122 migratory species, according to iNaturalist. Panama’s total is astonishing when you consider that the country is smaller in area than all but 10 U.S. states.
What’s the national bird of Panama?
The national bird of Panama is the Harpy Eagle, which received the official designation in 2002. Each year in April, a Harpy Festival is held in Panama City’s Summit Park.
The largest raptor in North America and one of the largest eagles in the world, Harpy Eagles can weigh up to 20 pounds, and their wingspans can measure over 6 feet. Despite their size, the eagles are silent predators, flying through their forest homes in search of monkeys, sloths, and other prey with ease.
Harpy Eagles are listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List due to deforestation and poaching. Learn about the small, dedicated army working to protect the birds and their habitats here.